kat's blog
hi! I’m kat, i make sound, performance and visual art in london (and further afield). i run the london community laptop orchestra and generally make art focused on how, as artists, we both heal and hurt ourselves, with a particular focus on the ways in which we can create engaging and raw work while holding ourselves accountable for the perpetuation of self-damaging behaviours through our art.
i also write! normally about gender, identity, art, travel and life.
postcards and choreography - 21.01.2025
a reintroduction to my world the past few years has been the postcard. i don’t particularly remember receiving many as a kid but i do remember sending them whenever we moved (and we moved a lot!), normally to mark the move and make a gesture...
i miss the kitchen - 24/11/2024
i miss the kitchen - 24.11.2024
back in 2018, fresh out of a postgrad in experimental music and struggling to make rent, i got a job working in paradise slice, a pizza shop located on brick lane, east londons tourist hub and food street (note, far from my favourite, just...
i want to be an artist? - 24/10/2024
i want to be an artist? - 24.10.2024
recently, i’ve been re-reading pedagogy of the oppressed, the 1960’s Marxist analysis of pedagogy and oppression dynamics by brazilian scholar Paulo Freire. i read excerpts of it years ago while borrowing my ex’s university lecture print outs and going through the...
citation and credit - 20/10/2024
citation and credit - 20.10.2024
recently i’ve been thinking about citation and influence, how we credit the ideas, works and people that inspire us. i think we sorely lack a comprehensive and representative language for how we mark the turning points of the creative process.
this is part of my...
protest touches - 27/09/2024
protest touches - 27.09.2024
Curiosity - at a Palestine / Lebanon protest, me and my partner had two encounters that sparked an interesting confluence. One was with a friend of my partners, she’d just had a long term break up and we had a long chat about the difficulties of...